If you are experiencing neighbour nuisance

As a tenant you have the right to live in a property without anyone causing a nuisance or annoyance to you or members of your family in your home. 

If you are suffering from any neighbour nuisance you must contact your landlord or letting agent, and they may be able to advocate on your behalf and speak to the person/s causing the problem to attempt to resolve the situation. 

If the situation does not improve you can contact the Housing Options team and we will try to involve an independent service known as Mediation services who will listen to both parties and attempt to resolve informally.

If you are suffering from anti-social behaviour you can contact 01204 336500 to seek further advice as soon as possible. 

You can also report any anti-social behaviour in confidence to 01204 336500.

In the event of an emergency call 999.

See our if you are experiencing neighbour nuisance advice notes.