The Core Strategy sets out the policies for Bolton’s future development up to 2026 and the planning policies that will be used to make it a reality. It was adopted on 2 March 2011 and is the key document of the Local Plan

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Please note that as of 21 March 2024 some policies in the Core Strategy have been replaced by policies in the Places for Everyone Plan. Details of which Core Strategy policies are being replaced can be found in Appendix A (Table A.1) of the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan

As a result of the adoption of Places for Everyone, Bolton’s existing Policies Map will be modified to show the re-designation of three areas of Green Belt for employment at Bewshill Farm, Chequerbent North and land at West of Wingates.  Additional Green Belt has been designated at Horwich Golf Course; its planning status changing from Protected Open Land. Until this map has been updated please refer to the adopted Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan for detailed boundaries of these sites.