Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) add further details to policies in the Local Plan. They are a material consideration in the determination of planning applications, but are not part of the Local Plan.
SPDs providing advice and guidance over development:
- Sustainable Design and Construction
- House Extensions
- Location of Restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways in urban areas
- Accessibility, Transport and Safety
- General Design Principles
- Equestrian Development
- Developer Contributions – Infrastructure and Planning Contributions, Affordable Housing and the Infrastructure Funding Statement
SPDs providing guidance for new development in specific areas:
- Building Bolton provides guidance for new development in Central Bolton
- Church Wharf
- Horwich Loco Works
- Merchants Quarter
- River Croal / Adoption Statement
- Trinity Interchange
Emerging SPDs
On behalf of, and in conjunction with, the Places for Everyone (PfE) Plan local planning authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan), the GMCA is co-ordinating the production of the Holcroft Moss Planning Obligations SPD. This SPD seeks to provide further guidance on how criterion 17 (in particular) of Policy JP-C8 of the PfE Plan will be implemented. Criterion 17 seeks to ensure new development, where Transport Assessment identifies significant increases in traffic along the M62, does not have an adverse air quality impact on the protected habitats and species of Holcroft Moss, which is within the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation (SAC)