For information about housing and advice visit Housing options and advice
The council tax energy rebate is a scheme that provided a payment of £150 to eligible households living in council tax bands A to D. The core scheme has now closed, but a discretionary scheme is available to help people on low incomes or in vulnerable groups.
Bolton at Home
Are you a tenant of Bolton at Home? They can help with debt and money advice along with support via their Urban Care and Neighbourhood centres.
Great Places
Learning to budget and manage your money can help you save money and stay on top of your bills.Great Places Housing Group offers customers support with managing money.
Bolton Community Homes
Bolton Community Homes brings together Housing Providers, Bolton Council, Health and Social Care Services and Voluntary and Community organisations to enable the development and management of affordable housing opportunities in Bolton.
Bolton Care and Repair
Advice and support is available if you:
- Are over 60 years old
- Or have a disability
- And live in Bolton and have an issue with home repairs or adaptations
Visit Bolton Care and Repair