Learning disability services

We help people with a learning disability find a paid job.

We can help you with

  • Thinking about what job you would like to do
  • Finding job adverts
  • Writing application forms, covering letters and CVs
  • Finding out what training you need
  • Practising job interviews
  • How to travel to your job
  • Making sure everything is going well by talking to you and your employer

Will my benefit money change if I get a job?

We can tell you about the Permitted Work Rules.

These rules say when you can do a paid job and still get your benefit money.

Can I get extra help to do my job?

We can tell you about access to work grants.

This grant money can pay for extra help you need to do a job.

Examples of this extra help are travelling to your job or buying special equipment.

You can get our help

  • If you have a Learning Disability
  • Are more than 16 years old
  • Live in Bolton

Ask your Social Worker to contact Best Choices.

We will arrange to meet you and your Social Worker to talk about the help you want.