Connexions offer impartial careers information, advice and guidance for young people in Bolton.
Young people can see a Connexions Careers Adviser in the following locations:
- Bolton secondary schools (including special schools and schools with sixth forms) if the schools have purchased a service from Connexions Careers Service Bolton
- Connexions Centre at The BASE, Marsden Road, Bolton, BL1 2PF (young people aged 16-19 and up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities). Drop-in Monday to Friday 1pm – 4pm
Connexions Careers Advisers also provide additional help and support to the following groups:
- young people who are NEET (not in education, employment, or training) or those at risk of becoming NEET
- young people with special educational needs
- looked after children and care leavers
- young people in pupil referral units (PRUs)
UKSPF Grant Funded Programme for NEET and at Risk of NEET young people aged 15 – 18 years (up to 25 years with young people with SEND and 21 years if care experienced)
Next Generation Bolton (2023 – 2025) is a programme to help raise aspiration, increase motivation, build confidence and self-esteem and equip young people who are NEET or At Risk of becoming NEET with the resilience to address barriers and gain and sustain Education, Employment or Training.
Next Generation Bolton will offer a bespoke and individualised mentoring approach working one to one with young people to include a direct focus on improving mental health and wellbeing and increasing employability skills in order to improve the longer-term prospects of young people in the borough.
Connexions on Facebook and X (Twitter)
Connexions Bolton has its own Facebook and X (Twitter) pages. Information about local job vacancies, personal development opportunities and more general information about things that matter to teenagers are posted on a regular basis.