Families who are new to the UK and speak English as an additional language (EAL), including families from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities can attend the Achievement Cohesion and Integration Service (ACIS).

What can ACIS do?

  • check documents – make sure you take passports, birth certificates, medical records  and any other relevant documents with you
  • help to complete school application forms
  • take families to admission appointments
  • help EAL pupils and GRT pupils with their move into school
  • help EAL pupils and GRT pupils to achieve their full potential
  • provide training for schools

How to make an appointment with ACIS?

  • you can be referred by the Pupil and Student Services department or One Stop Shop
  • you can be referred by a school
  • you can be referred by Refugee Action or Serco
  • you can contact them directly

Families can attend the Starting Point International Family Centre whilst they wait for a school place.  The centre, which is based at ACIS, provides enrichment activities such as music, art and sport.

If you are an international new arrival and would like to apply for a school place please call 01204 338055.

In addition to the above ACIS also provides support and guidance on Community Cohesion for schools, racial equality and Elective Home Education.