Declare a conviction, formal action, intelligence or non-conviction

Taxi Trade Updates

Including information in relation to Covid-19.

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Service update – Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licences

Due to the unprecedented number of incorrect and/or incomplete applications, and a significant increase in the number of direct contacts with individual applicants (both by email and telephone), our business process for managing online applications has been reviewed and amended.

To enable us to manage the high volume of applications, and to ensure that licences are issued in a timely manner, incorrect or incomplete driver applications will now be rejected and a refund issued.

Any rejected applications will need to be resubmitted with the error(s) corrected, and the full fee paid. Failure to do so, will result in the application again being rejected. The Licensing Service is unable to offer applicants a document checking service, so it is vitally important that all supporting documentation is correctly and fully completed, in date and attached to the application.

Driver renewal applications need to be submitted at least 8 weeks before the expiry of the licence (noting that drivers are permitted to submit their renewal application up to 12 weeks before expiry). If a driver renewal application is received after this period, we cannot guarantee that the licence will be issued prior to expiry.

We thank you for your support and cooperation with this matter.

Taxi licence holders are required to notify us of any conviction, formal action, intelligence or 'non conviction'. For further information on convictions, formal action, intelligence or 'non convictions' please refer to our Statement of Fitness and Suitability (pdf) document.  Please use the form below to submit any declarations.

Declare a conviction, formal action, intelligence or non-conviction