
Change your Cookies Preferences

We use cookies on the website, this page tells you more about cookies, what we use them for and how to switch them off.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files stored by your browser on your computer.

They improve things by:

  • remembering settings
  • remembering information you’ve given
  • measuring how you use the website so we can make sure it meets your needs
  • our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally

What do we use cookies for?

  • storing your location to help us point you to the right services in your area
  • enables us to provide you with map based information
  • restricting voting to one per person to ensure a fair vote eg voting for Bolton’s Best
  • keeping your information safe
  • to help us gather analytics to support the improvement of our website.

Cookies on from other organisations and social networking websites

Some cookies are not related to This happens when you visit a page with content inserted from a third party. We currently embed links or widgets from the following social networking sites:

These websites may place cookies on your computer either when you access certain functionality or a page.

How to opt out of using cookies

You can opt out of using cookies altogether. If you do choose to delete our cookies or disable future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our site. If you do decide to disable cookies, you can re-enable them at any time.

You can learn more about cookies and how to manage them by visiting the Information Commissioner's Office website

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit