In October 2020 the Council adopted a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) 2020-2025. The purpose of the SAMP is to provide a framework within which The Council can secure the operational and financial benefits of the corporate estate which aspires to standards of best practice.

The SAMP provides an overview of our land and property estate, based on a 5-pillar approach that focuses on managing and developing the estate over the next five years. The five pillars include embedding a culture through a Corporate landlord model that recognises property assets as a key corporate resource;  maintaining and developing the management of our property assets to continually improve  how our assets work for us, optimise returns and minimise operational costs; supporting economic growth and regeneration by helping to revitalise town centres through a modern offering which fosters greater social interaction, community spirit, local identity and heritage; developing innovative One Public Estate & Private partnerships to maximise the benefit of the corporate asset base, through co-location with partners and the development of integrated service delivery partnerships and supporting the Housing delivery plan by providing the right types of houses in the right locations; aligning property, housing strategy & planning policy; and Identifying and developing land for annual housing unit numbers.


The 5 pillars within the SAMP are underpinned by our commitment to the development of a socially responsible and sustainable net-zero carbon estate and by a number of key policies.


Frequently asked questions.

1. How do I enquire about a land and property matter?

Should you have a query or wish to seek advice on Council owned land or property please complete the following enquiry form and a member of the team will respond to you within 10 working days. Please note that we can only provide advice on Council owned property and land queries. Please check ownership of the land and property before making an enquiry with the team.

2. How do I enquire about grounds maintenance including tree pruning, fly tipping, Japanese knotweed etc?

Queries in relation to grounds maintenance, tree pruning, Japanese knotweed, fly-tipping should be redirected to the following pages: and

3. How do I check planning applications in relation to land and property?

Land and property planning applications can be checked here.

4. How do I apply for a Community Asset Transfer (CAT)?

The Community Asset Transfer (CAT) policy explains the criteria that applicants must meet before putting in an expression of interest for use of a Council property under the CAT Policy. A full list of available properties can be accessed here [include link here]. Applicants are encouraged to discuss any expression of interest with Bolton CVS before submitting the CAT expression of interest form.

5. How do I find land and property that is available for disposal?

For a list of all available current disposals please see this page.