Many of the costs associated with a funeral are included within the Funeral Directors fee.  If you're not using a Funeral Director these costs will need to be considered when arranging the funeral.

Help in paying for funeral expenses

Help may be available if the person responsible paying for the funeral, or their partner are receiving certain benefits - check if you're eligible for benefits.

Age UK and Citizens Advice may also be able to help.

We may be required to arrange a funeral when a person dies within the borough and they have no family or friends to arrange and pay for the funeral.

If a person dies in hospital and no one is prepared to arrange and pay for the funeral, normally it is the responsibility of the hospital to make the funeral arrangements. 

Where we have to arrange the funeral we can recover any costs back from the estate of the deceased. If there is no estate, a basic funeral will be arranged which will either be a cremation or a simple burial.

Please contact us for further help and information.