Supporting information

Supplementary faith forms and baptism certificates should be submitted to the relevant school(s) by 31 October.  Supporting evidence submitted after that date may not be considered. (Please note the supppementary form closing date for Canon Slade School only is 11 November). Copies of supplementary forms are available on individual school websites and on the Downloads page.

Medical needs

If you are applying for a school place for your child under the medical criteria you must submit a letter from the child’s GP/Consultant setting out the reasons why the school is the most suitable school and details of the child’s medical condition. Medical evidence must be submitted by 31 October. Evidence received after this date will not be taken into consideration.  Places will only be offered under this criterion if the child has a certified medical condition with strong professional supporting evidence confirming that existing exceptional problems with the child’s health would be seriously exacerbated if a place were not made at the preferred named school.

You should check the admission policy of your preferred school or schools to see if a medical criterion is included in their policy.  You can do this in our School Directory where you will also be able to view details such as 'Places allocated last year'.

Proof of address

We may ask for appropriate written evidence to verify an address, e.g., child tax credit letter, utility bill, child benefit letter or copy of your council tax bill.  All addresses may be checked, or the authority may carry out spot checks on addresses.  If there is any doubt about the authenticity of the documents provided, they may not be used.

We will not take into consideration an intention to move to another address.  If you are moving or have moved, we will need to see appropriate written evidence in the form of a letter from your solicitor detailing your exchange of contacts and the actual completion date.  If you are renting a property, we will need to see appropriate written evidence (e.g., from estate agent or solicitor) of the tenancy agreement or lease including start and end date.  The Council will need a long term (12 months or more) tenancy agreement.  We will also request appropriate evidence of the sale of, termination or rental agreement on your existing property.  Without this evidence a short term rental address will not be used.

If parents are claiming that they have recently separated and are giving a different address, we may ask for appropriate independent evidence of this.  If the Admission Authority, on the balance of the evidence provided, feel this is just a temporary situation to secure a place in a school the address will not be used.

If parents share custody of a child, we may ask to see the court order, child tax credit letter, child benefit letter or other evidence to verify where a child is ordinarily resident for the majority of the time.  If the custody arrangement is shared 50 : 50 we advise that a joint decision is made as to which schools will be applied for.  Only one address can be used to process an application.  Failure to reach an agreement on which schools should be included in your application may lead to your application being withdrawn from the admissions process until such time as an agreement can be reached.