Comment on an application

Planning Portal availability

The planning portal will be unavailable on Tuesday 24 September. Viewing and commenting on planning applications will not be possible at this time.

Comment on a planning application

Who can comment?

Anyone can comment on a planning application, you do not need to have received a letter to comment and you do not have to live in the area.

When we receive a planning application we will write to the neighbours who are on the property boundary to let them know about the work(s) that have been applied for.

You have 21 days to comment online or by post.

Please note:

  • comments are publicly accessible and so cannot be treated in confidence
  • you must give your name and address with your comment
  • if permission is granted, neighbours or interested parties cannot appeal against the decision, though the agent or applicant can appeal against a refusal
  • we do not acknowledge comments or petitions

Privacy Notice

You can view our Privacy Notice here

What are the exceptions?

The planning officer cannot consider some comments if these are not planning matters. They include:

  • boundary disagreements
  • concern about disturbances while the work is done
  • trader competition
  • impact on property value

Request to view comments

You can request to view the comments that have been made on a planning application.

N.B. Comments can only be viewed at the One Stop Shop and cannot be sent electronically.