Personal searches

A personal search is a personal inspection of all the data required to compile a property search enquiry and only contains entries from the local land charges register.

These are usually carried out by a private search company, who use the information as part of their own property search and may charge you a fee for providing this service.

If a private search company undertakes your search and you need further explanations from the information provided, you will have to go back to that search company, as we will not be able to assist you.

How can I request a personal search?

A personal search can be requested using our online form.

We aim to send the search results back by email within 20 working days.

Please note, personal searches are not covered by section 10(3) of the Local Land Charges Act 1975, which relates to compensation for loss.

Alternatively, you can find the information that would be requested in an enquiries of local authorities (CON29) search by undertaking a personal search of each subject area yourself.

This can involve:

  • searching online
  • sending requests to individual service areas

The schedule for information for property searches shows where to search online and which individual service areas to contact for each piece of information.

A personal search means you will do all the work yourself. We will not:

  • issue an official search certificate
  • advise on how to conduct your personal search

Request a personal search