Little Lever Urban District Council: 1943-44, 1952-53, 1958-59 (Labour)
Farnworth 7 September 1901
Hulton Hospital, Hulton Lane, Bolton 2 January 1989

He first worked in cotton mills and then was a collier for 25 years.

During the Second World War he was an instructor under the Bevin Boy scheme.

Later he was employed as a machine operative at the Radcliffe Mill of Samuel Lomax & Sons, raisers and finishers.

Came to Little Lever in 1927 when he married - becoming the husband of Edna Mobey, Chairman of Little Lever Urban District Council 1961-62.

He joined the Labour Party in 1925 and was first elected to the Council in 1937, representing Church Ward and later Ladyshore Ward.

He became a Magistrate in 1951.

Chairman of the Salvage and Food Control Committee, Higher Education Committee, Finance, Streets and Sanitary Committee and was also Chairman of the Youth Advisory Sub Committee.

He was on the executive of the Farnworth Divisional Labour Party and President of Bolton South East Constituency Labour Party.

He was a football referee for many years and was a member of Bolton Referees Society. He was also interested in boxing and was Vice Chairman of Little Lever Boxing Club.

He was a Governor of Farnworth Grammar School, St Matthew's School, Little Lever Congregational School and Haysbrook County Special School.

During his second term of office in 1952 he inaugurated a fund to provide a chain of office for the Chairman's Lady.

Little Lever UDC wanted to name Mytham Road School after him but the proposal was overruled by Lancashire County Council "as it was no longer County Council policy to name schools after individuals".

During Coronation year he was one of three people in the village to be awarded the Queen's medal.

When he retired in 1968 he was the longest serving Councillor in Little Lever's history.

