
Have your say on Substance Misuse Services

We would like your views on accessing substance misuse services in Bolton. 

Bolton Council is responsible for making sure that borough residents experiencing problems caused by substance misuse get the support they need. Support is offered to those exhibiting offending behaviour, victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse and children of parents who use substances etc.

We commission Achieve Bolton [for adults] and 360 [for young people] to provide support to people who are concerned about their or someone else’s use of substances, including alcohol, illicit drugs, medication, or any other substance which is causing a problem.

By completing this short questionnaire, you can help us make sure that the services we provide are appropriate for the people of Bolton.

For further help and support on where to access services, if you or someone you care about is using substances, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

Closing Date
30th April 2022
Survey Results