Health and wellbeing

Below are some of the ways our care leaving team and your personal adviser can support you to stay healthy and look after your physical and mental health. We can:

  • give information on healthy living.
  • support you to register with a GP.
  • support you to move from CAMHS to adult services.
  • give information about counselling services that are available locally.
  • give you help with transports costs when attending health appointments.
  • if you are a young parent, take an interest in your child/ren and support you to do the best for them. We will help you arrange childcare, if this is what you want.
  • offer free or subsidised access to the leisure centres we run.
  • give you information about health drop-in centres.
  • work with you to make a ‘health passport’ containing key information from your childhood (for example, when and if you have had immunisations) and your current health needs. The designated Looked After Children's nurse will prepare this for you before you progress into adulthood
  • you are entitled to free NHS prescriptions until the age of 25. Where you are required to pay for your NHS prescriptions, your worker will ensure that you are reimbursed for one-off prescriptions or you have a prepayment certificate in place
  • we have an emotional health practitiioner who can offer individual support or group work
  • where required, we can identify specific support services, for example support with substance and alcohol abuse