

FutureYou Logo

FutureYou is focused on those aged between 18 and 24 years old who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).

It forms part of Greater Manchester’s NEET and Youth Employment Programme and has been funded by the European Social Fund.

What is the FutureYou programme?

FutureYou is a free 9 month programme that aims to help NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training) 18 to 24 year olds into work, education or training. Programme delivery is personalised and provides a mix of practical and wellbeing support.

Three FutureYou team members, stood outside the workshop bolton office, next to a blue FutureYou banner

Meet the Team

The Workshop's dedicated FutureYou peer mentors are here to give you one-to-one support to help you achieve your goals

What we offer?

You will have a ‘FutureYou Peer Mentor’, from your local area, who will work with you to create a personalised plan. They will contact you a minimum of once weekly, where they will review your progress. However we will also be happy to talk about anything else you might want to discuss.

Support includes:

  • Employability skills
  • CVs and application forms
  • Skills and training workshops
  • Access to work experience and job vacancies
  • Health & wellbeing

Want to know more?

Unfortunately, we are not taking referrals at this time.


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