
Have your say on a national consultation to update labelling guidance for no and low-alcohol alternatives.

The national Office for Health Improvement and Disparities are consulting on options for updating guidance on low-alcohol descriptors.  Their aim is to increase substitution of alcoholic drinks with alcohol free or low-alcohol (NoLo) alternatives among people who drink above low risk levels. They are specifically seeking views and evidence on:

  • DHSC’s recommended conditions of using the descriptors ‘alcohol free’, ‘de-alcoholised’, ‘non-alcoholic’ and ‘low alcohol’ (including changing the strength threshold at which a product can be described as ‘alcohol-free’ from 0.05% alcohol by volume (ABV) to 0.5% ABV) and whether such conditions should be set in regulations
  • Displaying numerical information of the alcoholic strength on the label
  • Displaying the UK chief medical officers’ low risk drinking guidelines on the label, including a pregnancy warning, and alternative ways of communicating this information to consumers
  • Displaying an age restriction on NoLo products and alternative options for preventing children and young people from accessing and consuming NoLo drinks
  • what more government and NoLo retailers and producers can do to increase substitution of alcoholic drinks with NoLo alternatives.

For further information on this consultation please visit the Government consultation webpage

Closing Date
23rd November 2023