Horwich Urban District Council: 1926-27, 1942-43 (Independent)
Middleton, Lancashire 27 February 1872
Newbury, Berkshire 13 December 1957
Westminster College, London


After leaving school he worked as a half timer in a cotton mill in Leigh from 10 to 14 years of age.

He attended evening classes at 13 and qualified to become an assistant pupil teacher. He then became a trained assistant at a large Jewish School in Leeds and was appointed headmaster at Darwen, aged 23.

He became Headmaster at Albert Street Independent Methodist School, Horwich in 1902 and then Headmaster of Chorley New Road Council School, retiring in 1937 after 50 years in the teaching profession.

He was also head of various evening schools for over 40 years and was head of the commercial section of Horwich Technical College.

Represented North Ward 1919-54.

He was Liberal in outlook but did not believe in politics in local government

He was the local representative on the Lancashire County Council from 1937 until 1952.

Chairman of the County Library Sub-Committee.

In 1926 he was elected to the Lancashire and Cheshire Whitley Council, representing 70 Lancashire Urban District Councils.

Chairman of Horwich Technical College.

Governor of Bolton School, Wigan Mining and Technical College and Rivington and Blackrod Grammar School.

Founder and president of the Horwich Literary Society, member of the Manchester Literary Club and president of the Horwich Branch of the League of Nations Union.

On retirement he moved south to be near to his two sons.

He enjoyed reading, studying languages, botany, walking, climbing and foreign travel and had 'tramped' in the Lake District, Scotland, France, Germany, Austria, Spain and Switzerland.

Methodist - he and his wife were members of Victoria Methodist Church and he was a Sunday School teacher and a lay preacher for over 60 years.

Family Tree
