
Have your say on digital skills in Bolton

As more services move online, Bolton Council are asking people how they use digital technology and what support they might need to get better connected, so they can access every opportunity.   Your feedback will help us to plan the support that is needed to enable residents to stay better connected to services, friends and family.

How digital skills can help you stay better connected

It can be really useful to be able to use a computer and have digital skills. Emails and social media are great ways to keep in touch with friends and family, not to mention shopping and watching videos online. You might also want to use digital technology for looking for a new job or learn for pleasure.

Bolton Library and Museum Service can help. It's free to join our library service, and members can use our computers for up to three hours a day. The first hour is free, then just £1.10 an hour. We can help if you get stuck, have free wi-fi for people with their own device and offer offer low cost printing.


This survey is now closed.

Closing Date
Saturday 12th August 2023
Survey Results