
Have your say on creating a special education needs resource provision at Leverhulme CP School.

Bolton Council have launched a consultation to create a special education needs Resource Provision at Leverhulme CP School, Breightmet Drive, Breightmet, Bolton, BL2 6EE.

Why is the Local Authority considering a Resource Provision unit at Leverhulme CP School?
The proposal will provide additional specialist local provision to ensure that the needs of Bolton children can be appropriately met within Bolton. The Resource Provision will provide targeted support for children in a discrete resource within a traditional mainstream school setting. SEND resource provisions have proved successful in meeting the individual needs of a range of children and young people in Bolton. Where appropriate children have the opportunity to integrate with their mainstream peers.

In Autumn 2022, the Council invited expressions of interest from mainstream schools to host a SEND resource provision for Bolton children. Leverhulme CP responded with a positive interest and following a selection process was successful in being identified as the host school for a new resource provision for upto six children with Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

To accommodate this new unit, it is proposed to provide a new, detached modular classroom within the grounds of the school. If it is agreed to proceed with the proposal, options in respect of locations will be explored and will be subject to planning approval being granted.

Why is the Local Authority undertaking this consultation?
Section 14 of the Education Act 1996 considers the permanent provision of such a resource provision to be additional to the characteristics of a mainstream school and requires the Council to formally determine this change in its status. However, before finalising whether to proceed with the resource provision, we are seeking your views on the proposal.

When would the proposal be brought into use?
We are anticipating that the proposed resource provision at Leverhulme CP could be operational from September 2023.

What happens next?
All comments received will be reported to the Executive Member for Children’s Services for consideration, before deciding whether to progress with the proposal.


If you would like to submit any comments regarding this consultation, you should do so in writing to the Consultation and Research Team at with the subject line as ‘Statutory School Consultation – Leverhulme’ or alternatively you can write in to:
Freepost RTTT-YTEL-YSXS, Consultation & Research Team, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton, BL1 1RU

Closing Date
Sunday 5th March