In person meetings have resumed, and can be viewed via our webcast portal.  Videos of past meetings (held via Teams during Covid) can be found on our YouTube channel.

Meetings of Executive Cabinet Members are not open to the press and public (in accordance with Section 13 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings Access and Information) Regulations 2012). However the agendas, minutes and reports for these meetings are published online.

Meetings of the Cabinet, Committees and Area Forums will be open to the press and public unless the nature of the business to be discussed is considered exempt as defined in schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Those items considered confidential which will be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting will be advertised via the Council's Forward Plan (see Links Tab) and instructions as to how representations can be made as to why the matter should be considered in public are contained therein.

How decisions are made

(a) The Council:

The council is made up of all 60 councillors and it:

  • decides the constitution
  • agrees policy framework
  • agrees the budget 
  • appoints the Leader for a term determined by the council

(b) The Leader:

The leader determines the size of the cabinet and appoints members of the cabinet and determines the arrangements for delegation of the cabinet functions. The leader also appoints a member of the cabinet as a deputy leader who will act in the leader's absence.

(c) The Cabinet:

The cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader and eight Executive Cabinet Members.

Its main role is to:-

  • implement the policies agreed by the council  
  • give political leadership 
  • propose policy framework to the council
  • propose the budget to the council
  • make recommendations to the council on broad policy issues

Executive Cabinet Members

The leader and the other executive cabinet members:

  • work within an overall policy framework set by the council 
  • have individual responsibility for key areas of work known as portfolios  
  • are accountable for their decisions which they take either as individuals or as the collective cabinet

The executive cabinet members and their portfolios are as follows:

Executive Cabinet Members Deputies Portfolios
Councillor Peel
(Leader of the Council)
Councillor Zaman

Responsible for all matters relating to Strategy, External Relations (including the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Association of Greater Manchester Authorities), Strategic Budget, Financial Services and Budget Development, Public Service Reform, Partnerships with Public, Private and Voluntary sectors (at a strategic level), Corporate Support Services, the Registration Service and the Coroner’s Service, Digital Strategy, Area Working and Neighbourhood Management, Community Alliances, Governance, Transparency and Constitutional Reform, Business Continuity, Humanitarian Support and Bolton Vision.

Councillor Zaman - Deputy Leader/Regeneration

Councillor Peel

Responsible for all matters relating to Skills, Development and Regeneration, Economic issues, Planning, Town Centres including the Town Centre Strategy and Strategic Housing strategy, and Land Allocations.

Councillor Fielding
(Adults, Health and Wellbeing)
Councillor Haworth

Responsible for all matters relating to Adult Services, Safeguarding for Adults, Health and Wellbeing, Public Health, Mental Health and Health and Social Care integration, and Bolton Cares

Councillor Donaghy
(Children’s Services)
Councillor Mrs Thomas

Responsible for all matters relating to Children’s Services including Looked After Children, Safeguarding relating to Children and Young People, Schools, Early Years strategies, Youth and Play services, and the Youth Offending Service

Councillor Silvester
(Climate Change and Environment)
Councillor N. Ayub

Responsible for all matters relating to Climate Change, Clean Air, all aspects which cross cut other areas that relate to the “green agenda”, Waste and Recycling, Neighbourhood Services and Emergency Response and Recovery (including flood defences). The designated Executive Cabinet Member shall have the power to refer a decision to the original Executive Cabinet Member decision maker if the decision fails the Council’s Climate Change agenda except where that other Executive Cabinet Member’s decision is to fulfil another statutory duty of the Council.

Councillor N. Ayub
Councillor Silvester

Responsible for all matters relating to Libraries, Museums and Cultural Services, strategies including Events strategy and the Sports agenda, Tourism and promotion, the Albert Halls complex and Markets

Councillor Khurram
(Transport, Housing and Highways)
Councillor Donaghy

Responsible for all matters relating to Community Housing Services, Private Sector Housing, and Highways and Transport.

Councillor Haworth
(Regulatory Services and Property)
Councillor Jiva Responsible for all matters relating to Environment Regulatory Services, Education and Enforcement, Land and Property, Procurement and Contract Management
Councillor Jiva 
(Stronger Communities)
Councillor Khurram Responsible for all matters relating to Community Cohesion, the relationship with the Voluntary Sector at a neighbourhood/community level, Crime and Disorder and Community Safety, Anti-Poverty, and Equality and Diversity

(d) Non-executive Councillors:

The remaining councillors are non-executive councillors and they:

  • represent their wards and hold surgeries as usual  
  • spend time in their area finding out what concerns people most  
  • take part in area forums helping to decide priorities
  • influence the key decision makers by proposing changes to policies or budgets 
  • help to choose how area budgets are spent
  • serve, with cabinet members, on committees for planning control and licensing and environmental regulations

(e) Area Forums:

The council has 18 area forums.

Area forums:

  • host informal sessions at each meeting to let the public question members and departmental managers and receive feedback  
  • decide local priorities 
  • allocate its own budget to small scale projects 
  • influence the council in the development and implementation of policy 

(f) Scrutiny Committees:

At present the council has four scrutiny committees:

  • Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
  • Corporate and External Issues Scrutiny Committee
  • Health Overview and Adult Services Scrutiny Committee
  • Place Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny committees hold the cabinet to account by:

  • challenging policies and budget allocations  
  • challenging decisions made by portfolio holders  
  • recommending changes to decisions   
  • make recommendations to the cabinet/executive cabinet members
  • monitor and challenge performance
  • consider any councillor calls for action
  • working with partner authorities to improve local improvement targets

They can also create scrutiny panels which scrutinise issues in depth.

(g) Planning Committee:

Exercises the functions of the council as local planning authority.

(h) Licensing and Environmental Regulations Committee and its Sub-Committees:

Exercises the functions of the council relating to licensing matters and Environmental Regulations in respect of Environmental Protection, Environmental Health, Animal Health, Trading Standards and Consumer Protection.

(i) Standards Committee:

Promotes and maintains high standards of conduct by councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives.

(j) Audit Committee:

To consider corporate governance in relation to financial matters.

(k) Health and Wellbeing Board:

The local authority in conjunction with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and representatives from other organisations prepare Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies and encourage integrated working between health and social care commissioners.