Definitive map and statement

The location of public rights of way in Bolton can be found in the definitive map. It details the location of our footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways.

The map and statement form a legal record proving the existence of public rights of way.

Using the digitised map

You can access a reproduction of the definitive map in My Maps. It details the location of our footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways being a representation of public rights of way derived from the Bolton Council Definitive Map and Statement. Please note this is provided for general guidance only and is not the definitive legal map.

To view paper copies of the map and statement please contact our Public Rights of Way Team to make an appointment.

You can also download public rights of way map data to make your own maps with freely available software such as Google Earth.
The data shows the location of public rights of way and has been published as Open Data under the Ordnance Survey Open Data Licence, by downloading this data you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this licence.

Access Land

You can access some land across England without having to use paths. This land is known as ‘open access land’ or ‘access land’.

See the government guidance for further information on Access Land.

The main open access land in Bolton is around Smithills Moor and Winter Hill.  See our map of the Access Land in Bolton.